
Connecting families to compatible pediatric therapists

Our team increased our client's user conversion rate with a research-based redesign.


Content auditing
Usability testing


Google Suites


5 weeks

Project Background


Content Audit
Usability testing


Content Audit
Usability testing


Google Workspace


6 weeks




Adobe Analytics


5 months


In development


TherapyWorks is a Chicago-based healthcare startup aiming to simplify the pediatric therapy treatment process. Parents can use the online platform to find licensed therapists for at-home therapy visits, book appointments, and pay for sessions.

Project Objectives

During our kickoff meeting, the co-founders and web developer outlined their main goals:

Goal 1:

Improve user conversion

Goal 2:

Discover content preferences

Goal 3:

Minimize back-end work

Goal 4:

Learn about insurance needs


The Competition

To get a feel for the current style and practices in healthcare websites, we did an analysis of competing providers in the Chicagoland area.

Soundbox speech
  • Bright, cheerful colors
  • Engaging images
the not-so-good
  • No therapist profile pages
  • No online booking
The good
  • Pleasing, colorful interface
  • Large variety of services
the not-so-good
  • Not therapy specific
  • Overwhelming amount of options
Chicago Speech
The good
  • Real images: no stock photos
  • Learning resources for parents
the not-so-good
  • No online booking
  • No online payment
Children's Hospital
The good
  • MyChart health app integration
  • Offers several specialization types
the not-so-good
  • Very text heavy
  • Austere interface


Our team met with TherapyWorks stakeholders to get more details on the starting project goals.

Afterwards, we spoke with users to get a better look at their experience with TherapyWorks' business offerings and therapy services.

"I felt like I could trust them [the co-founders] to find a good fit for my child "
- Anjelina, user
Stakeholder topics:
  1. Where dropoff occurs
  2. What their manual processes are
  3. How they created the website content
User topics:
  1. How they found TherapyWorks
  2. How they use the website
  3. What kind of content and information they want to see
  4. How much they rely on insurance

Stakeholder Insights

High Dropoff after intake form completion

Over half of the drop off occurred after users received their insurance coverage report. We assumed the cost of sessions was more than they expected, leading them to look elsewhere.

Issues with the Online Therapist schedules

Therapists could not update their schedules themselves, leading to frequent discrepancies between their online and actual availability.

Several Manual Processes on the Back-end

The co-founders were spending hour poring over intake forms, checking insurance coverage, and preparing cost estimates. They also maintained the online schedules and frequently matched clients with therapists.

Untested content

The website developer had created the majority of the website content without testing it with users. Some pages, like the therapist profile pages, were too sparse, while some were overloaded with text.

User Insights

They rely on healthcare referrals.

Users discovered TherapyWorks and other healthcare services through peer referrals, online parenting groups, and healthcare professionals.

They were also directly referred to their therapist by the co-founders, and they admired this level of personal care.

They strongly value quality over cost.

Users said insurance was important to them, yet only one was using their coverage– and the discount was negligible.

Our users candidly admitted that therapy was expensive, but they would always strive to give their children access to high quality care and find a way to "make it work".

They Want Caring and Reassuring content.

Pediatric therapy treatment is a long, intensive process, which can be overwhelming for families. Users wanted to be informed without feeling like they were reading a textbook.

They wanted TherapyWorks to present a tone of warmth, empathy and understanding. The current website sterile look and medical terminology came off as cold and impersonal.

They Don't interact Online with TherapyWorks.

The bottom line: users were not using the TherapyWorks website besides setting up their online payment. Online scheduling, messaging, and therapist search were seldom used. Communication was done directly between parents and therapists via phone, text, and email.

Client Reaction

We went over our research findings with the TherapyWorks team at our next meeting. The reliance on referrals and website avoidance was a concerning revelation, leading them to pause their Google ad campaign to re-evaluate their marketing strategy at a later time.


Our User

Referencing our research insights, we created a user persona that could benefit from TherapyWorks' services.

The Reed Family


  • Daniel and Louis live in the Chicago suburbs with their son, Marco, and daughter, Maya.
  • The Reeds notice Marco has begun to stutter and decide to put him in speech therapy.
  • Daniel and Louis want to find an in-home therapist who can connect with shy, quiet Marco and teach them how to supplement his development outside of sessions.
  • The Reeds are unfamiliar with pediatric therapy and reach out to their family pediatrician and peers for recommendations.


  • Finding a therapist who is compatible with Marco's personality
  • Fitting weekly sessions into their schedules
  • Open communication and trust with their future therapist


  • Seeing Marco struggle and being unable to help
  • Concerns over therapy cost
  • Unfamiliarity with pediatric therapy treatment and process

Their Predicament

Our team narrowed in on what problem to address for the Reeds during the design phase:

Families new to pediatric therapy need an educated way to select a therapist that best fits their child's needs



To guide our design process, we selected design principles that reflected the sentiments our users' were most passionate about.


Give users adequate information to help them understand the pediatric therapy treatment process.


Build a tone which humanizes treatment and helps users feel comfortable with TherapyWorks.


Use visuals that instill the positivity, trust, and care TherapyWorks provides to their clients.

Starting Concepts

We created four landing page concepts and tested them with parents who had children in pediatric therapy.

 On Target

Heavy Visuals

Strong usage of images, videos, and testimonials introduces visitors to TherapyWorks and its services.


Users loved the idea of more learning with less reading, and testimonials aligned with their need for referrals.

Therapist Match

Complete a responsive intake form and receive a therapist recommendation based on your answers.


This was the most well-received by users. It aligned with their preference for referrals and created a sense of care and curation. It also eliminated back-end tasks for TherapyWorks.

Missed the Mark

Quick Intake

Jump straight into the intake process directly from the landing page.


While convenient, this was unanimously dismissed by users for being transactional and uninviting.

Therapist Match

Create a posting describing your child's needs and receive connection requests from therapists who meet them.


Users were open to the idea of therapists initiating contact, but preferred to be matched with one instead of choosing their own.

Moving Forward

We decided to expand on the Therapist Match idea while incorporating the following positively-received elements from our other concepts:

Heavy visual content
Trust and care
Direct communication

Building an MVP



Landing page
About Page
Therapist Search Page
therapist Profile Page

Usability testing

What Worked?
  • The therapist match module. Users enjoyed going through the questions and suggested adding even more.
  • The therapist profile page. This was a hit for conveying a good balance of professionalism and personality.
  • The idea of an introductory video. Users expected the video to feature the co-founders, therapists, and real clients.
What Needed More work?
  • The wording and language. We failed to produce the caring tone our users needed in order to feel comfortable moving forward with TherapyWorks.
  • The mission statement. It was described as "uninspiring" and "too generic".
  • The landing page. The images and icons were too business-like, giving off an unfriendly vibe.

Future Ideas

An introduction video

Users really emphasized their desire to learn about TherapyWorks directly from the co-founders, clients, and therapists. We recommended TherapyWorks hire a professional production company to make an introduction video.

A Content Audit

Language, wording, tone– these terms constantly reappeared throughout our research and testing. Users needed to feel a trusting, emotional connection with the platform. We strongly suggested TherapyWorks perform an audit to evaluate their current content with users and amend it according to their findings.

You made it!

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